Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Research Topic: The Future of Cryptocurrency

My research topic will be about “The Future of Cryptocurrency”. We are entering in a new era in which cryptocurrency is changing the future such the economy, media, and our personal investment. However, last year around this time, cryptocurrency was still a foreign topic to the general population. We now have business professionals to the local mailman investing in cryptocurrency. Towards the end of last year up until now, cryptocurrency or as we all know “Bitcoin” has became a viral topic resulting in more and more people to invest in cryptocurrency. I would like to dig deeper to find the roots of blockchain for my research paper and see if there is a correlation between the media and blockchain.  


  1. The technology behind cryptocurrencies, blockchain, is revolutionary and will not only make business operations more efficient, but also cheaper. Would like to hear about your thoughts on blockchain.

  2. Your research topic is really interesting. The future of cryptocurrency is on the brink of becoming very popular among investors and money in general. Bitcoin has been around for years but has gained traction and popularity just recently. Many people have invested in Bitcoin because it is easier and simpler than investing in the stock market.

  3. Cryptocurrency has become more popular recently. When it first became a big topic, I had a classmate give a speech on bitcoin, so I would love to learn more about how the thoughts over bitcoin have changed and how the demographics of the people purchasing bitcoin has evolved. Your topic seems very interesting.
