Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Blog: Next New

A new form of media can be combining artificial intelligence that is more conversational as opposed to a Google Home or Echo Dot. Although many people already possessed these gadgets, I believed there can be improvement to these type of technology so that it can be used more practically in our everyday lives such as browsing the internet or even learning in a classroom.  There are many different ideas that come to me when I think of incorporating artificial intelligence into our daily lives, but most importantly we should cater it to our preferences. Rather than us being the dominant one in the conversation, I believe it should be balanced between both the AI and the person speaking. For example, rather than simply answering or doing what we instruct it to do, the robot can act as a friend, proving the solution in a conversation form. Another idea is syncing ou social media platforms to these devices as an assistant to what we want. We can get a daily reminder of the top updates depending on how we set our preferences. For example, we can tell the AI to list only the status updates and neglect all the other ones such as videos and memes so that when we go on to our newsfeed, we can see what we want. Besides that, it can ask for our additional input such as further analysis in our work such as writing a paper or creating any type of content. We can ask the artificial intelligence to scan our work and then proceed to compare our work to other sources and how we can improve it based on what we instruct it to do such as editing or how can I improve the content. As it goes into the development stages, I’m sure there will be many updates and improvement made but I believe doing this can contribute to our learning development with technology. With all the innovations in the technology field, the potential of artificial intelligence is limitless.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

WIKI: Wiki So Far 2

For our class wiki, I want to incorporate what I have work on in this class so far into the Wiki.  From the very beginning, we learned what media is and the different forms of media. The wiki page has a detailed summary of what media is, and I hope to contribute my perception of media into the contents of  “What is New Media” page. The contents that I am looking into is the “significance of New Media” and “A transition from Old Media.” However. I find all the contents relevant as we touched upon all the topics throughout the semester in our weekly assignment.  The pages that I have edited so far in the “Blockchain” page under the categories list. I added a brief description of what blockchain is using what I learned from writing my term paper about cryptocurrency. I plan on contributing to other topics on the categories too. As of now, I plan to play the role of a contributor, but I do plan on taking on other roles too. Although I have no experience in design, I would like to contribute to the graphics and layout of the page. Since, I am working collectively with my class, I would like to correct any flaws or mistakes that I see as I expect the same from my classmates. I am excited to see the wiki page come together at the end of the semester.

Blog: P2P

File sharing is the ability to provide digital media between users virtually. These services include collaboration, storage, and transmission of different files amongst different users on the internet in one network. There are many forms of file sharing and one of them is Peer to peer networking. It is the distribution of digital media files through a software which gives users access to the file. The software connects your computer to another computer in order to facilitate the exchange of files, almost as if two peers are communicating with each other. Rather than using the internet to share files, the program that your computer is running process the exchange for the users. Your hard drive is being scanned by the program and when it detects a file that a user wants, a request is sent in order for the download to begin. There are many thousands of file sharing programs with the common ones being BitTorrent, FrostWire, and Bitcomet. Due to the vagueness of the files, there can be many risks in a P2P File Sharing. Using the program is free, but the content on these applications might not be legal to download if its is copyrighted. Some of the files might be encrypted which can be a violation of privacy. For example, the files might be a hack or it can be illegal which is why users need to be cautious of what they download on these P2P File Sharing programs. Although file sharing is a great method to attain resouces and data online, there are many risks that we need to be aware of since there is no limitations to the files being uploaded on these applications that support file sharing.

Work Cited

1) Pfanner, Eric. “Should Online Scofflaws Be Denied Web Access?” The New York Times, The New York Times, 12 Apr. 2009, www.nytimes.com/2009/04/13/technology/internet/13iht-piracy13.html.
2) “Digital Rights Management.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Apr. 2018, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_rights_management.,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_rights_management

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Blog: Privacy

There are many risks associated with media, with privacy and confidentiality being the leading ones. Nowadays, there are many hacks and viruses on the internet that can easily target web surfers with just a click. Privacy will always be a prevalent issue because the internet connects different people from all over the world onto one platform which can pose a danger if users are not careful about who they are connecting with. Hence, the information and content that users share are can pose threats since there are many hacks and schemes on the internet. Now, the internet has access to a large database with sensitive information such as a personal information and finances. It can impact us if our information is hacked which can cause detrimental stress and burden depending on how our information is utilized by these “hackers.” To combat these issues, many media giants are enforcing their technical support team in order to mitigate and prevent all the risks factors associated with using the internet.

Blog: Advice

In the 21st century, communication and technology are two leading components necessary in order to guarantee a successful future. There are different ways to implement new media into universities to improve the college. Majority of the students now have a smart device, so an efficient way is to organized individual classes onto a platform that can be viewed online or through an app. Each student should have their profile with their pictures, classes, and interests. There should be a personal aspect of the profile where students can post their content such as videos, projects, websites, blogs, or even a simple text.  In addition to this, they can add their goals and aspirations so students and professors can find a common ground in order to facilitate the connection between both parties. Within the platform, there should be advanced features such as the ability to edit and comment on lessons plans, and an engaging community between professors and students.Also, there should be an active newsfeed between students and professor so students can raise questions or post updates. Lastly, all the resources should be accessible on one platform.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Creativity and New Media

For my creativity assignment, I created a meme-video because I love memes! Although memes are simple and often brief, I love the humor and flexibility behind every meme. A meme can send a different message depending on how one interpret the text and the image, but hey isn't that the "creativity" behind a meme.


Creativity is the act of transforming our ideas into reality. With the help of media and technology,  the media helps foster creativity. Nowadays, it is not just characterize by  the aesthetic aspect, but it can be executed in many forms; it can be as simple as just a text. A form of creativity that is expanding on media nowadays is copywriting. For Twitter, copywriting is important because it includes more text rather than imagery. Due to the innovation in media we have nowadays, people exchange “ideas” on a daily basis, making it easier to reach a wider range or audience in a short amount of time. Marketing companies are using crowdsourcing with the help of social media to sell their products and services.
In the article, "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?", Disney characters are being used to create a rap song parody for the song, “Crank That”. Although this is an infringement issue, the combination of these two contrasting elements known as “mash-up”, racks millions of views on Youtube, benefiting both Disney and the artists because of  the vast amount of views it is generating from a simple video. This video is an great example to illustrate that  we are entering a revolution where creativity is now beyond its limit.

Barnes, Brooks. “Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?” The New York Times, The New York Times, 24 Sept. 2007, www.nytimes.com/2007/09/24/business/media/24crank.html.